Galapagos Science Center

2024 Christmas Newsletter and Annual Impact Report

This year, we celebrate 13 years of impactful work in conservation, research, and sustainable development in the Galápagos Islands. In our newsletter and annual impact report, we invite you to explore how we have contributed to preserving this natural heritage through scientific expeditions, innovative digital tools, and health and education programs. Explore the latest advancements, scientific findings, and inspiring stories from 2024 Don’t miss out—join us on our journey toward a more sustainable Galápagos!

2024 Christmas Newsletter and Annual Impact Report Read More »

Newsletter de Navidad y reporte de impacto anual 2024

Este año, celebramos 13 años de impacto en la conservación, la investigación y el desarrollo sostenible en las Islas Galápagos. En nuestro newsletter y reporte de impacto anual, te invitamos a explorar cómo hemos contribuido a preservar este patrimonio natural, a través de expediciones científicas, herramientas digitales innovadoras y programas de salud y educación. Descubre los avances más recientes, los hallazgos científicos y las historias inspiradoras de este año.

Newsletter de Navidad y reporte de impacto anual 2024 Read More »

El enriquecimiento de nutrientes mejora el rendimiento térmico de las algas marinas en Galápagos

Este estudio, publicado en Marine Ecology Progress Series, analiza cómo la disponibilidad de nutrientes puede ayudar a las macroalgas marinas de las islas Galápagos a adaptarse mejor a temperaturas más altas, un desafío que enfrentan debido al cambio climático. Las macroalgas son plantas acuáticas esenciales para los ecosistemas marinos, ya que proporcionan alimento y refugio a muchas especies. Sin embargo, su capacidad para sobrevivir y prosperar depende en gran medida de las condiciones ambientales, como la cantidad de nutrientes en el agua.

El enriquecimiento de nutrientes mejora el rendimiento térmico de las algas marinas en Galápagos Read More »

Nutrient enrichment can increase the thermal performance of Galápagos seaweeds

This study, published in Marine Ecology Progress Series, examines how nutrient availability can help marine macroalgae in the Galápagos Islands better adapt to higher temperatures—a challenge they face due to climate change. Macroalgae are essential aquatic plants for marine ecosystems as they provide food and shelter for many species. However, their ability to survive and thrive largely depends on environmental conditions, such as the amount of nutrients in the water.

Nutrient enrichment can increase the thermal performance of Galápagos seaweeds Read More »

Diversidad de mariquitas en hábitats naturales y modificados por humanos en la Isla San Cristóbal, Galápagos, Ecuador.

Este estudio analiza la diversidad de mariquitas (Coccinellidae) en la Isla San Cristóbal del Archipiélago de Galápagos. Los investigadores registraron 19 especies, incluyendo cuatro previamente documentadas (dos endémicas y dos nativas) y nueve potencialmente nativas reportadas por primera vez. Las especies endémicas, como Psyllobora bisigma y Scymnobius scalesius, fueron raras y se encontraron únicamente en bosques nativos, mientras que las nativas, como Cycloneda sanguinea, mostraron adaptabilidad a hábitats urbanos y agrícolas.

Diversidad de mariquitas en hábitats naturales y modificados por humanos en la Isla San Cristóbal, Galápagos, Ecuador. Read More »

Ladybird Beetle Diversity in Natural and Human-Modified Habitats in the San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos, Ecuador

This study investigates the diversity of ladybird beetles (Coccinellidae) on San Cristóbal Island in the Galápagos Archipelago. Researchers recorded 19 species, including four previously documented (two endemic and two native) and nine potentially native species reported for the first time. Endemic species, such as Psyllobora bisigma and Scymnobius scalesius, were rare and confined to native forests, while native species like Cycloneda sanguinea showed adaptability to various habitats, including urban and agricultural areas.

Ladybird Beetle Diversity in Natural and Human-Modified Habitats in the San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos, Ecuador Read More »

Evaluación del paisaje químico de la Reserva Marina de Galápagos

La Reserva Marina de Galápagos (RMG), famosa por su increíble biodiversidad, se enfrenta a crecientes amenazas de contaminación química como plásticos, aceites, pesticidas y metales pesados. La ubicación única de las Galápagos, donde las principales corrientes oceánicas se encuentran bajo la intensa luz solar, permite que los contaminantes fluyan y se propaguen. La contaminación no solo daña a los animales individuales; Altera todo el ecosistema marino. Los contaminantes viajan a través de las redes alimentarias, amenazando el equilibrio del medio ambiente.

Evaluación del paisaje químico de la Reserva Marina de Galápagos Read More »

Galapagos Day: Inspiring Research and Engagement

UNC Center for Galapagos Studies and the Galapagos Science Center recently hosted its first Galapagos Day on UNC-Chapel Hill’s campus titled Galapagos Day: Building Healthy Ecosystems on a Changing Planet. This event successfully brought together global researchers, students, and staff from UNC-Chapel Hill (UNC), the Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ), NC State University, and the Galapagos Science Center to share about their impactful work in Galapagos and relevant opportunities for collaboration, training, outreach, and student engagement moving forward.

Galapagos Day: Inspiring Research and Engagement Read More »

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In 2022, the Galapagos Science Center (GSC) and the broader UNC & USFQ Galapagos Initiative will celebrate its 10th Anniversary. We are proud to announce the World Summit on Island Sustainability scheduled to be held on June 26–30, 2022 at the Galapagos Science Center and the Community Convention Center on San Cristobal Island.

The content of the World Summit will be distributed globally through social media and results documented through papers published in a book written as part of the Galapagos Book Series by Springer Nature and edited by Steve Walsh (UNC) & Carlos Mena (USFQ) as well as Jill Stewart (UNC) and Juan Pablo Muñoz (GSC/USC). The book will be inclusive and accessible by the broader island community including scientists, managers, residents, tourists, and government and non-government organizations.

While the most obvious goal of organizing the World Summit on Island Sustainability is to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the GSC and the UNC-USFQ Galapagos Initiative, other goals will be addressed through special opportunities created as part of our operational planning of the World Summit.

For instance, we seek to elevate and highlight the Galapagos in the island conservation discourse, seeking to interact with other island networks in more obvious and conspicuous ways to benefit the Galapagos Islands, the UNC-USFQ Galapagos Initiative, and the world. We will seize the opportunity to further develop the I2N2 – International Islands Network-of-Networks. Further, we wish to highlight and emphasize multiple visions of a sustainable future for the Galapagos Islands and we cannot do this alone. Therefore, engaging the Ecuadorian Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Tourism, the Government Council of Galapagos, the Galapagos National Park, and local Galapagos authorities, including government and non-government organizations and local citizen groups, is imperative.

The Galapagos Science Center on San Cristobal Island, Galapagos

Borrowing from Hawaii’s and Guam’s Green Growth Program and the Global Island Partnership, we wish to examine existing global programs that emphasize island sustainability and their incorporation into life, policies, and circumstances in the Galapagos Islands. We will also seek to enhance our connections with the institutional members of our International Galapagos Science Consortium and expand the Consortium through the recruitment of other member institutions. We will also work to benefit islands and their local communities by working with citizen groups as well as important NGOs who seek to improve the natural conditions in the Galapagos and diminish the impact of the human dimension on the future of Galapagos’ ecosystems.

Lastly, we will use the World Summit to benefit UNC & USFQ and our constituencies through a strong and vibrant communication plan about the World Summit, creating corporate relationships as sponsors, identifying funding goals through donors, and benefiting our study abroad program for student engagement in the Galapagos Islands. We plan to develop and issue a Galapagos Sustainability Communique after the World Summit that includes the vision and insights of all its participants for a sustainable Galapagos with applicability to global island settings.

We are eager to hear your perspective and have you join us at the World Summit on Island Sustainability!