Join us in the journey to preserve the precious ecosystems of Galápagos today!
Join us in the journey to preserve the precious
ecosystems of Galápagos today!
Our Giving Priorities
Since 2011, the Galapagos Science Center has been a hub of collaborative research and education spanning many disciplines. With your support we can expand our research footprint, offer more students opportunities to gain an impactful global experience, and continue to tackle the grand challenges of our time. We currently have three areas of pressing need and value donations at any level!

Infrastructure: Enhancing Darwin’s Living Laboratory
Gifts to the Galapagos Science Center will allow us to enhance our equipment to conduct cutting-edge science such as DNA sequencing of endemic species and ongoing water quality monitoring to better understand impacts on both animal and human health. Gifts will also help expand the first comprehensive Galapagos Biobank, which is preserving the genetic resources of existing biodiversity. Your support is ultimately helping to protect and conserve the Galapagos for generations to come!

Knowledge: Tackling Global Challenges
Knowledge is key to inspire the next generation of leaders to protect our planet and inform policymakers to make key decisions to empower sustainable and resilient ocean communities around the world. A gift to the Galapagos Science Center will help fund new research around pressing topics such as plastic pollution, food security, global public health, and climate change. Your support would enable young researchers the means to travel internationally and opportunities for local students to acquire the knowledge and leadership skills to address challenges facing Galapagos and the world.

Community: Solving Challenges Together
Scientific research is most meaningful when it engages with the larger community, and gifts to our Galapagos Science Center will allow us to continue our long-term commitment to the people and communities of Galapagos. We work with all local schools on San Cristobal Island and help train our next generation of scientists through environmental education, providing small grants for community members, and citizen science projects that allow us to address key issues faced by Galapagos families and better serve the community.
Here are some examples of how your gift can make a direct impact!
$50 – Science Kit for local community kids (Science Club)
$100 – Local transportation to field sites for researchers and students to develop fieldwork
$250 – Support environmental education through reading sessions at local elementary schools
$300 – Expand ongoing citizen science activities to help involve local community in preserving this precious ecosystem
$350 – Provide much needed supplies for testing water quality at the Galapagos Science Center
$500 – Fund field excursions for local girls to spark their interest in science
$750 – Conduct molecular testing of biological samples for the first ever Galapagos Biobank
$1k – Enable student field trips to conduct ocean data collection and measurements in the Galapagos Marine Reserve
$5k – Allow travel & housing for two students for two weeks in the Galapagos Islands, working on science and education projects
For more information about supporting the GSC, please contact:
Kelly Weaver | +1 919-445-0763 |