The Galápagos archipelago, is renowned for its unique biodiversity and serves as a natural laboratory of evolution. The genus Scalesia, known as the “Darwin’s finches” of the plant world, is a prime example of adaptive radiation, with 15 species exhibiting remarkable morphological diversity across the islands. However, the future of Scalesia is under threat due to invasive species introduced by human activities. The Scalesia Microbiome Project (SMP), established under the Galapagos Barcode initiative, aims to characterize the microbiome associated with Scalesia species to inform restoration efforts. By studying the diversity, assembly, and functions of the plant and soil microbiomes, the SMP seeks to develop microbiome-based strategies to enhance Scalesia seed germination, growth, and resilience. This project has the potential to contribute significantly to the conservation of Scalesia species and the restoration of their habitats, ensuring the preservation of the Galápagos’ unique ecosystems.
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Watch the documentary about the expedition in the following video: